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The Energy Of A House


A messy messy house is not a happy place to live, it has negative energy and people who live there will be affected. Disorder gets in the way and stagnates, making it very difficult to continue on our ways.

The stress of searching for stuff causes anxiety, depression and confusion, hence the importance of throwing away or donating what we no longer need to give the house a new look. Your home is a reflection of your life, and that implies everything: physical, spiritual, emotional, labor, social and family.

Always remember that there is a place for everything and everything should be in its place, this helps to be in harmony and results in a better flow of energy. You must clean house and get rid of or reform everything that does not make us feel good, to make room for the new.

We shouldn't accumulate things, but rather remove from home everything that doesn't contribute, that doesn't work or that you don't like anymore. By getting rid of things that don't contribute anything positive, the house loses negativity, makes space, and becomes much easier to clean, which is something important.

We should surround ourselves with things we enjoy, that bring good memories, that motivate us. Your home is you and your home is you. Our home is a reflection of ourselves, it tells us how we are at that moment, if we are stagnant, surrounded by so many things that contribute nothing and prevent us from seeing or having time for the most important, because you lose time looking stuff getting sorted or dusted

Let's simplify our life and keep what's really worthwhile. Lighting up your life makes you feel more free. Making decisions makes you feel more confident and responsible. Giving things makes you feel generous, and by organizing your space, you feel more organized and efficient.

It's a way to free up space not only physical, but also mental, leaving room for new things to come in. That doesn't mean throwing away things that remind us who we are, which is also important to have. Memories are the root of who we are, but what we accumulate that gives us nothing, must be removed from our home and our life.

Once you have purified everything you no longer need, you should follow the routine of order and cleaning to maintain a pleasant environment in our home, with habits like:

- Make your bed, the room will definitely look more tidy;

- Wash dishes whenever they arise, to prevent them from accumulating;

- Remove trash daily, to avoid bad smells;

- Put things in its place after use.

– Do daily routine cleaning.

A clean and organized environment conveys joy, peace and balance.

đź–ŠJoanna De Angelis

Love and Light,

Michelle Price

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