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Three Men Story

Imagine this, three men were building their homes. Man one had all his supplies and a professional crew to help him build. Man two, and Man three had limited supplies and no crew.

One day Man One had his house half built. Man three could see the house was going to be huge. Man, two didn't notice because he was working so hard on his house that nothing could take his focus from it. 

Man Three was watching Man One build his house one day and he saw the granite counter and tiles that Man One had imported. He looked at his own and felt his counter and tiles were no longer as nice. 

Man Three said to Man Two "I'm selling my tiles if you want to buy them, I'll give you a discount."

Man Two was ecstatic and said "Yes! " because he was working day and night he was running out of tiles for his second room. 

The day came when Man One was putting the roof on his huge house.  Man, Three ran to get Man Two to watch with him. "Man Two,  come watch this show-off,  Man One put the roof on his house.  It's so big I hope it falls off! "

Man Two said "Sorry, I don't have time. I'm also putting my roof on today. "

Man Three said "Your roof? "

Man Two said, "Yes, my house is built."

Man Three said, "Oh but it's small."

Man Two said, "Yes, that's true but I still have a home."

The two men looked toward the unfinished home of Man Three. Man Three said "If it wasn't for me you wouldn't have your second bedroom floor finished"

Man Two said, "True."

Man, three said, "It looks strange having mixed tiles in one bedroom, anyway."

Man Two said, "Nobody will notice with the throw rug over it."

Man Three Looked at Man Two's home. It was humble, but it was built. He realized at that moment that he was not only envious of Man One, but now he was also envious of Man Two. 

Envy is a waste of time. When you envy others you take the focus from the blessings in your life. When you spend more time looking at what others have you are distracted from perfecting what you have.

Accept what you already have and work with it. 

Love Cerise.

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