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Rich Men vs Broken


Cerise, I want a rich man. Is that too much to ask?


Not at all. I know many.


Well introduce me to one, pleasssse.


Sure. I'll connect you with him later.


Wait, first tell me his yearly wage.


I don't know that.


Well how do you know he's rich? 


Because we speak often. We've been friends for years. 


And he's told you he's rich?


Not in so many words. 


So how do you know he's got money?


I didn't say he has money. I said he's rich.


I'm confused!


Apparently you are. Rich is not money. Wealth is money. Rich means quality. He is rich in character, love and spirituality. 


Oh well forget that! I want a wealthy man! 


How much do you make yearly? 


I'm on unemployment at the moment. It runs out in October. 


Okay well when you get a job I'll introduce you to a man with a job. The wealthy men I know want a woman to mirror them, not lean or rely on them. 


But I read a post you made the other day about a man you met who is taking care of a woman in the Dominican Republic. 


It's not the same situation that you're in. There is no unemployment or welfare system here. Some women need the help. Kind men don't mind a woman leaning on them for bread, shelter... bare essentials. They have an agreement, in some respects. 


Ohhh forget that. I'm talking about a home, car, jewelry, purses, perfumes- you know what I mean. I can buy my own bread and pay my own rent. 


Yes, and there's an app for that. Go goggle sugar daddy app. But before you do, be prepared.


Be prepared for what?


A wealthy man has his tastes. He wants a quality woman. 


I am one.


What makes you a quality woman?


I'm good in bed. Men like that. 


They do.


I have no kids.


That's not important to some men. Some men like kids. They don't mind. What else you got?


Well, let me think about it.


You do that. In the mean time, keep in mind that a woman of worth knows her worth. She doesn't have to think about it.


Uff I'm just so tired of broke men!


I think you're tired of broken men. Sounds like you're missing out on the rich men! A rich man could have very little money but offer you a world of beautiful experiences.

His car may not be a TESLA, but he'll get you to where you need to go. His pockets may not be deep, but he is resourceful and will providewhat you need. He may not shower you with diamonds but he will shower you with love. 


Why do you always do this?


Do what?


Knock sense into me!


It's all about the mindset, sweets.

Know your worth and build with someone who mirrors you, that's all. Don't chase a man for money. Attract a man with substance. The money can be earned together.  

As a Mindset Soul Coach I often come across wonderful people seeking relationships that may be counterproductive. What they think is best for them may end up being the opposite. 

Don't seek a mate for financial gain or security. Build yourself first and then find your mirror.

Contact me for your session! 

(829) 702-7726 via WhatsApp message or email 

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