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Are you finding yourself getting upset over how others receive and accept you? Perhaps your co-workers are dismissive towards you. They do not add you to the work social events, they whisper when you leave the room, or get quiet when you enter it. 
It could be that your family has ostracized you, and pushed you away so far that now you feel like a stranger to them, or like an unwanted sick and dying animal. 
Sometimes it could be a neighbour who disagrees with your lifestyle, and instead of minding their business about how you choose to live your private life they allow their judgements to spill over into your backyard where they do not belong. 
They hurriedly and sneakily try to turn the other neighbours against you as they attempt to prevent you from enjoying your own community. 
These people you should never allow into your heart or your mind. Do not overthink their actions and words, and do not try to embrace them to gain acceptance from them. They do not deserve to command your attention and steal your joy. 
They are not in your life to be your leader, because God will do that. They are not in your life to accept you, but merely to teach you. Teach you how? To teach you about yourself. They are in your life to demonstrate to you how strong you are. They are in your life to test your resilience, your inner strength and spiritual maturity.
How do you behave in the midst of the test? Be at peace with you, and do not bat an eyelash at how others attempt to ostracize you. Let their character guide them directly into drama while your internal peace increases. 
Love Cerise

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